Can't get your people together for a live class?

It's simple, contact us and we will enter your people into our program.

For First Aid only students they download and read the manual, then take the test.

For Adult and Pediatric First Aid students, That's it.

Their certification card will be mailed to them.

For CPR/AED students they sign in, watch a video (1-2 hours at their leisure) download and read the manual,

take the written exam, then we schedule a 30-60 minute live skills review and test at your location

(Minimum 6 students) and will present them with their 2 yr certification card.

Already signed up for "On-Line Training"? Watch the On-Line training video here. If you are not already signed up call me for details. 720 226-7174

Feel free to view and copy any of our training to share with family and friends.

The following training demos are supplied by the AED manufactures for specific AEDs

The following comedy videos are just for fun so relax and enjoy

Fire Department Chronicles is a fun look at the fire department and EMS life. All videos are meant to be lighthearted. Laugh, share & enjoy!
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